As a form of enforcement of the company's code of ethics that has implemented ISO 37001:2016 Anti Bribery Management System through the Whistleblowing System (WBS) mechanism. With this system, employees and the public can submit reports related to violations of the code of ethics that occur in the company's environment and at the Company's operational location through established paths. Employees and the public who report the violation will be kept confidential to protect it from potential conflicts that may arise from such activities. In response to the report, the Company will conduct an in-depth investigation taking into account the facts before finally making a decision regarding the actions to be taken.
Various violations of the code of ethics that can be reported include deviations and fraud against Company Regulations, SMAP Commitments, Legal compliance SMAP Policies, Articles of Association, agreements/contracts, company confidentiality, policies related to transactions that cause conflicts of interest and others. By implementing this whistleblowing system, it is hoped that a conducive work climate can be created for all employees so that they can achieve optimal productivity.
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