Solihin Jusuf Kalla
Indonesian citizen, 42 years old. Appointed as Commissioner of the Company, based on the GMS Deed No. 311 dated June 29, 2005, which was ratified before Notary Mrs. Masnah Sari, S.H. He also currently serves as President Commissioner of PT Kalla Lines (since 2001), Director of PT Lintastama (since 2001), Director of PT Hadji Kalla (since 2002), and Director of Finance & Administration of PT Nusantara Air Charter (since 2003). He also actively participates in various trainings and seminars to improve his capabilities in the field of leadership and management. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, United States.
Jumadi Aji Karamai
Indonesian Citizen, 57 years old, Domiciled in Bogor Regency. He began working for the Company since 1987 and held the position of Accounting Staff (1987-1992). He was then successively promoted to the position of Senior Internal Audit Staff (1992-1997), Head of Budget and Supervision of Business Units (1999-2005), and Treasury Manager (2005-2009). He was also trusted as Finance Manager at PT Indonusa Harapan Masa (2009-2016). Currently, he also serves as Director of Finance at PT Baja Titian Utama.
Adolf Edward
Indonesian Citizen, 51 years old. He has been appointed as a Company’s Risk Management Committee member since 2018. Still serving as the Company’s Strategic Budgeting Planning from 2009-present and Finance on the Company’s Japek II elevated project from 2017-2019. He held a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from STIE Swadaya Jakarta.