Bogor EduCARE
Bogor EduCare was established in 2001 as part of commitment to develop quality of education. Managed by Peduli Pendidikan Mandiri Foundation, the education and training center represents high concern of Mr. H. Achmad Kalla to help enhance the quality of the employees of various companies. Bogor EduCare facilitates employees to join in the English Language and Computer Skill development with free of charge. The Company targets the high school graduates with interest to develop their qualities, yet facing financial problem, to participate in the program.
Website : https://bogoreducare.org/

Rumah Singgah
The Company’s concern on educational sector is also realized through the establishment of Rumah Singgah. The Company develops Rumah Singgah in partnership with Asa Anak Bangsa Foundation to show care for poor families around Bogor area. At Rumah Singgah, they have free food and other primary needs, including raw material, cloths, soap and the others. They also receive training to enhance competence and basic skills, such as reading-writing skills as an effort to eradicate illiteracy. The Company also take the children to join in other activities, such as field trip and sport activities.

Mass Circumcision, Free Medication and Distribution of Daily Needs
Other social activities that are included in the annual agenda are mass circumcision, free medical service and distribution of primary needs. Those activities take place during Ramadhan as part of responsibility and care of the Company for the improvement of people’s health and welfare around the business locations of the Company. With the program implementation, the Company distributes aid in the forms of sarong and primary needs for each family in the business locations.
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Social Aid Distribution and Other Activities
The Company on periodical basis distributes aids to the surrounding community and conducts several social activities, such as the celebration of Ied ul-Fitr and Ied al-Adha at Ash-Shinaiyyah Mosque of the Company, which can accommodate up to 500 prayers, distribution of qurban meat to the community, sub contractors and the employees, umrah package for employees, distribution of breakfasting packages during Ramadhan, cash donation for development of musholla and mosque, cash donation for youth activities through karang taruna at the business location of the Company, and cash donation during the celebration of national day (including in the celebration of the independence day on August 17).

The company's manifestation of education in addition to Bogor Educare and Rumah Singgah Foundation is to establish a Teaching and Learning Center (PKMB) for early childhood or PAUD in the coastal area of Kec. Mekar Beach, Muara Gembong Bekasi. the company not only built buildings for the teaching and learning process, but also prepared students playing facilities, student uniforms and student stationery supplies and supported all of these paud activities, such as graduation graduation and hajj rituals.
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Caring for Lombok, Palu & Donggala, Banten & Lampung Tsunamis, Lebak Flood & Landslide, Banten 2018 and Caring for Sukabumi 2019 Landslide
Awareness and responsibility of the company towards other social communities, in addition to the community around the company is responsive to natural disasters. Namely by playing an active role in providing and channeling assistance to victims of natural disasters. The Company provides logistical assistance in the form of food, cleaning equipment, clothing and baby needs. The Company has an active role in responding to these disasters, namely the Lombok, Palu and Donggala Earthquakes, Banten & Lampung Tsunamis, Sukabumi Landslides, Lebak Floods and Landslides, Banten. Costs incurred by the company for the Banten Tsunami, Banjir Bandang and Landslide Lebak, Banten IDR 210,000,000.